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Benoni South Africa
87 Kei Rd

Give us a call. We would love to discuss your project.

087 265 9489

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Evolvea. Bespoke software Development Artisans

Software Artisans.

We believe in solving complex business problems with
a keen eye for detail and dedication to the craft.

Lets Get Started

about us

We do design, code
& develop.

Design involves creating a visually appealing and user-friendly interface for your digital solution. Code refers to the programming languages and frameworks used to build the functional aspects of your product. Development encompasses the entire process of turning your ideas into a fully functional and reliable solution.

Our team of experts will handle all technical aspects, from design to code, to ensure a seamless and efficient development process. We strive to deliver a high-quality product that meets your specific requirements and exceeds your expectations.

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Or call us now 087 265 9489



App Growth

App Growth

Public Positive Reviews

Public Positive Reviews

Capital Raised

Capital Raised

Frances Camille Rivera

Frances Camille Rivera

Executive Director @ Oceanus Conservation Inc.

Evolvea developed an impact-driven website for an environmental organization. The team migrated the site from PHP to WordPress and added features such as campaigns and chat boxes.

Kay Yang

Kay Yang

CEO @ SK Fino Trading

Evolvea developed a website for a leather clothing company. They conducted discovery sessions and designed the site.

Andrea Tsiteros

Andrea Tsiteros

Marketing Manager @ Speedheat

Evolvea optimized the two WordPress sites of a floor heating systems manufacturer. They migrated the sites to high-performance cloud servers and installed speed performance plug-ins.

Lumar Fourie

Lumar Fourie

Operational Director @ Betram Amalooloo

Evolvea developed an app for a sanitation solutions company. The solution covers the entire supply chain in terms of loading sheets, delivery notes, and construction and maintenance reports.